Out of Hours
If you require urgent medical care or advice whilst the surgery is closed, please telephone 111 for advice. This call is free from landlines. The 111 service will be able to offer you advice or transfer you to the Out of Hours GP Service if they feel you need to be seen.
Accident & Emergency Department
This is located at Colchester General Hospital (Turner Road, Colchester, CO4 5JL) and is available 24 hours a day, every day. You should go straight to A&E for the following illnesses/injuries:
- Chest pain
- Suspected stroke
- Unusual shortness of breath
- Loss of consciousness
- Major injury / major accident
- Anything you feel is life threatening
Please do not attend A&E for any minor problem.
The Urgent care centres are based in Colchester hospital, Calcton hospital and Harwich hospital. These services are open when the GP surgery is out of hours (ie from 18:30 to 08:00).
Please check the East Suffolk and North Essex website for up to date information.